grannys gone and done it

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Ever see a firenado ?

dr. appt went ok, ordered tom a 4 pronged cane he probably wont use and his A1c is 10.4 about double what it should be. Pain clinic called while I was gone. Missed it. waiting for a call back. Probably miss it again because I have to leave here at 1:30.

Now you see why I was concerned about mutt and Prostar. That's pretty bad. Sometimes the wind can be helpful and blow the fire back on itself, but in those hilly canyons, with all that scrub, the fire ends up making its own wind.
The most amazing roast ever.

Spray crockpot with nonstick spray.
Dump frozen roast in.
Turn crockpot on high.
Dump 1 can of cream of mushroom or cream of chicken on top.
Fresh minced garlic
5 washed potatoes
a bag of baby carrots (so no peeling or extra chopping had to be done in the torture chamber)
Two onions, peeled and cut in half.
1/2 c chopped green chile (optional)
Some Mrs. Dash, steak seasoning, or whatever seasoning you like on top.
Cover and walk away. Dinner is ready in 6 hours.
yummm I might have to do some crockpot experimentation. Mine is small. Have to see what I can stuff in it. Chicken breasts, mushroom soup, onion, mushroom, and rice sounds good. Will the meat cook as well if it is not frozen?
yummm   I might have to do some crockpot experimentation.  Mine is small.  Have to see what I can stuff in it.  Chicken breasts, mushroom soup, onion, mushroom, and rice sounds good.  Will the meat cook as well if it is not frozen?  

It does. Just faster and dries out if you're not paying attention.
I do a lot of crock pot cooking in the fall and winter. Lots of chicken noodle, pasole, chicken and dumplings, and beef stews. Roasts and bbq shredded chicken are a year around thing.
yummm   I might have to do some crockpot experimentation.  Mine is small.  Have to see what I can stuff in it.  Chicken breasts, mushroom soup, onion, mushroom, and rice sounds good.  Will the meat cook as well if it is not frozen?  
also add some liquid. When you use thawed meat, most of the liquid is gone.
Well, it's pouring down rain and I'm in a funk so I guess I'll post some pics of more weird plants in my yard!

Plant A: I really like it! Considering moving some to the fence row and growing it on purpose. About 2ft tall.



Plant B: I also really like this one! Cute little purple flowers. About 18 inches tall.




Plant C! Growing on the side of the road. It's like waist high and pretty.

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