grannys gone and done it

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In his room smoking pot...
I was the same way.  So much fluid.  Kid was doing sumersaults all the time and I was worried he would knot the cord.  The second kid actually did have a knot in the cord, but it never pulled tight, so no problem, thank heaven.

Lol, I said what does that mean?
DD says she was just warning me.

Yesterday is put dg and the computer changed it to dog.
I turned off the autocorrect on my phone. I was making me crazy. It has predictive text that I like since my fingers are fat and it takes forever to type.

How is your little bird? Did you figure out what it is?
I turned off the autocorrect on my phone.  I was making me crazy.  It has predictive text that I like since my fingers are fat and it takes forever to type.

How is your little bird?  Did you figure out what it is?

I am pretty sure you are right. It is that dove. I am taking it to a rehab place in the morning. I don't have time yo hand feed a bird.
Behind the olive tree ? How is that tree? I was going to order one once upon a time and didnt.

Thank the goddess you didn't! They are crazy invasive, have massive thorns, and cause your allergies to go apes*it. They suck for firewood, and dull your chainsaw faster than any other tree I've dealt with. I absolutely hate Russian Olive Trees.
mornings, Up way too early. been up for an hr. I am hoping I can get to seymour and back in time for Tom to still take a water pill. I dont want that on my conscience . CB was in the shower when I got up. said he falls back asleep in there. I know he was at the min. half hour . every morning he does that.
Hope they take it. Our bird rescue won't take starlings or other invasive species.

I pulled a starling out of my furnace in the basement when I lived in Mi. I had to use the kitchen pronges. LOL I was surprised that such a "garbage" bird was so very beautiful up close. the purple highlights were pretty awesome. I put it in a bird cage and it ate and drank in there for 2 days then we released it outside. For a solid year after that when Robert would see a bird he would say there goes your bird mama. LOL Totally worth it.
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