grannys gone and done it

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Hi gang it has been well over a 100 degrees here for the last few days. Yesterday I went to the wedding. It was good but was quiet and left early cause the heat just zaps me badly. Been staying in the house all day with the window unit on. Much better. The older boys are gone... Just me and the littles today. Got invited to the lake again but I think we all just needed a quiet peaceful day. Hope you are all well!!

Yah, I heard it was super hot up there. My dog is at a show in enumanclaw. I think that is how you spell it.
Hi Hen, how was your day ?
Allergies are bad, made progress on coop, and chick chick is a month old today

Hi Sally, Nobunny luvs me..
After I watered, we went into town to look for a few things #2 needed for school. Took all day! Didn't get home until 7:30.

bored out of my gourd.
CB found my beautiful micro (maybe) serama almost dead. she is calico. on her side and bony. but not terribly starved . still has a good feel about her. She is very weak and shocky so I put her in the barn under heat and tubed her some corrid and cranberry water. Her butt is normal but some stuck to her feathers like she laid there and pooped herself. No other symptoms at all. Maybe the predator came back? she is the only one like this.
mites... they are evil... they are there, hiding.
Sorry about your pretty calico. When stuff like that happens, it makes me rethink the whole chicken thing. Hoping she's up and around in the morning.

Hi gang it has been well over a 100 degrees here for the last few days. Yesterday I went to the wedding. It was good but was quiet and left early cause the heat just zaps me badly. Been staying in the house all day with the window unit on. Much better. The older boys are gone... Just me and the littles today. Got invited to the lake again but I think we all just needed a quiet peaceful day. Hope you are all well!!
Over a hundred??? That's why everyone lives there, so you never have to be 100° heat! Oy! poor Linda

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