grannys gone and done it

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If someone else asked I'm sorry but...gotta catch up and gotta ask. What is oleos?
If someone else asked I'm sorry but...gotta catch up and gotta ask. What is oleos?
fake butter margarine :sick I would imagine real butter would work as well and taste muches better BUT better ask Camping to play it safe.
I would think so. Dollar General only had salted butter so I used margarine. It was delightful! This must be my week for food, because these were the best teacakes I've made in my life. Brought up very, very old and fond memories.
Lisa been meaning to ask how are the Swede's turning out for you ??   everything you hoped  or are you still looking 

x2 ?
The hens are still not laying to my standards, but they are sweet birds. I ended up getting 3 females from a unrelated source, so hoping to see if maybe it's the stock from the first breeder that's the problem. Would have to pull my hatching records to see exactly how old the 3 are, but one started laying last week. Seems a lot faster than the orginal 2.
Thank you Linda, it's tough some days, but I want this pretty bad. I've been over weight for 20ish years. I'm so over it. Getting healthier & possibly dropping a few pounds is my goal. The more I take off can only help with my arthritis. Especially in my back. Hopefully it will slow down the bone degeration. Not going to lie, I hurt like a SOB each day working out, but it is definitely helping with my depression.

Did you see my pictures from today and how much weight I have gained....
The hens are still not laying to my standards, but they are sweet birds. I ended up getting 3 females from a unrelated source, so hoping to see if maybe it's the stock from the first breeder that's the problem. Would have to pull my hatching records to see exactly how old the 3 are, but one started laying last week. Seems a lot faster than the orginal 2.

did any of the hens come with the beautiful calico colors ?
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