grannys gone and done it

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I am exhausted. Took the boys to the friendship flea market and some freaking clown started chasing me. Robert bought a sword with his birthday money and Konner bought a bb gun. Robert bought me a quart of raw honey from NC. The sun was in my eyes all the way home totally blinding me. I was creeping around 10 mph in a 55 zone . drove home by feel. still no sleep.
What are the purple ones?
It boomed here for an hour, sprinkled rain for an hour. Georgia collards, carrots, arugula haven t come up. Something has eaten 3 cabbage & 4 brusselsprout plants that are in dogwire tomato cages. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I am exhausted.  Took the boys to the friendship flea market and some freaking clown started chasing me.   Robert bought a sword with his birthday money and Konner bought a bb gun. Robert bought me a quart of raw honey from NC.  The sun was in my eyes all the way home totally blinding me. I was creeping around 10 mph in a 55 zone . drove home by feel. still no sleep.

:hugs granny.
What are the purple ones?
It boomed here for an hour, sprinkled rain for an hour. Georgia collards, carrots, arugula haven t come up. Something has eaten 3 cabbage & 4 brusselsprout plants that are in dogwire tomato cages. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'll have to check in the morning. Angelorida--- something like that? Not something I recognized. I bought all that were on sale.
I am exhausted. Took the boys to the friendship flea market and some freaking clown started chasing me. Robert bought a sword with his birthday money and Konner bought a bb gun. Robert bought me a quart of raw honey from NC. The sun was in my eyes all the way home totally blinding me. I was creeping around 10 mph in a 55 zone . drove home by feel. still no sleep.
Hi Granny!

Doesn't sound like a perfect day at all, I hope the honey is delicious.
Oh, It was an actual clown, as a form of entertainment, and not just someone being a jerk?

no it was a freaking clown. LOL GS wanted a balloon animal and he seen me shy away from the balloons . Thats all it took and the chase was on. Me with my walker booking it and him right on my heels in his #25 shoes laughing like a maniac.
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