grannys gone and done it

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Btw. I won week one of the fantasy league!!! Woot woot!!!!! Everyone was making fun of my lineup. I still won!

Way to go!
The best part was I left my kids at home for the first time ever. Just needed a break.

That is awesome - so glad you took some "you" time.
Dh would break them as he is always using my knives as tools.

LOL - I'd have DH's head if he tried that.....which is kind of a double standard as I have a habit of using tools for purposes other than they are intended, he's gone so far as to ban me from using "his" tools, so I went and bought a small set of my own that I keep in the kitchen.
Hi Mare! Just hung up the phone. Yep.. uh huh.. oohhh. yeah yeah...

Are you getting some alone time today?

My eldest has 3 classes on Tues/Thurs, so those are the only days I get alone time now. I'm going to be one of those people that will have to make a big adjustment when hubs retires.
Hi Mare! Just hung up the phone. Yep.. uh huh.. oohhh. yeah yeah...

Are you getting some alone time today?

My eldest has 3 classes on Tues/Thurs, so those are the only days I get alone time now. I'm going to be one of those people that will have to make a big adjustment when hubs retires.

just encourage hubs to get a hobby that requires him leaving the homestead
Haha! It would take much. He has a lot of hobbies. It's not that I don't want him around, I will just have to get used to it! My routines will have to change, but maybe that will be a good thing.

LOL all that "afternoon-ing delight"
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