grannys gone and done it

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:frow Hi everyone, I'm baaack! I got so far behind, because of circumstances beyond my control, but didn't want to miss anything (I would've missed alot!), so I had to play catch-up. Now here I am three months and well over 10,000 posts later! But glad to be back, I missed everyone! And hi to all the newcomers that I haven't met.
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So, as I sit here in the hospital waiting for my S.O. to come back from his FOURTH surgery in 9 months, I figure I might as well do some splaining about my long absence before my nursing duties resume (I'm not a nurse, but could almost be qualified before all this is over, lol). Anyway, he had Carpal Tunnel surgery in January, which healed nicely, but the Dr said it was the worst she's ever seen. Then in June his whole hand became swollen huge and the Dr had to go back in for surgery #2, from which his wrist had never healed. Then another surgery to try to close it in July. Still an open wound all this time. So now the Dr is using a type of graft to try to close it. Dr. just came and told me he'll be out soon & everything went well, just have to wait and see if it will heal this time.
P.S. For those considering Carpal Tunnel surgery, this is a Very Rare thing!
Hopefully I'll be back on later if I can get him settled at home. :frow
So, as I sit here in the hospital waiting for my S.O. to come back from his FOURTH surgery in 9 months, I figure I might as well do some splaining about my long absence before my nursing duties resume (I'm not a nurse, but could almost be qualified before all this is over, lol). Anyway, he had Carpal Tunnel surgery in January, which healed nicely, but the Dr said it was the worst she's ever seen. Then in June his whole hand became swollen huge and the Dr had to go back in for surgery #2, from which his wrist had never healed. Then another surgery to try to close it in July. Still an open wound all this time. So now the Dr is using a type of graft to try to close it. Dr. just came and told me he'll be out soon & everything went well, just have to wait and see if it will heal this time.
P.S. For those considering Carpal Tunnel surgery, this is a Very Rare thing!
Hopefully I'll be back on later if I can get him settled at home. :frow

Goodness! That's been an ordeal for sure. :hugs
No, I really don't think I can, lol!

Oh my gosh, you guys crack me up!

So, I randomly started reading this thread from the beginning while I was on vacation, in the beginning of August. It took me what, 6 weeks? I am now up to the day of 10,000 posts.
Then I looked at the total of posts. In your first year and 5 months, you guys made 10,000 posts. In the year and one month after that, you made over 130,000 MORE posts!! That means 13 times of what I already read. 13 times 6 weeks?! = 78 more weeks to catch up?!! By then you will have 260,000 more posts, and I will NEVER catch up.

I have seen where Granny mentions people who are reading because they show up in the Currently viewing thing, and she says Hi to them. Then it occurred to me, Hm, my phone always has a page open to Granny's thread, and I just read it randomly when I have time or feel like it. I bet they think I am ALWAYS reading this! (But on mobile, you can't see the currently viewing feature.) Then I got to thinking, Hm, I wonder if Granny has said Hello to me, but I'm 130,000 posts behind, so I will never see it!! So I did a search on the thread for my name, and lo and behold, I have been mentioned. Good thing this never occurred to me before, or I might have felt conspicuous during all those weeks of reading.
(By the way, I logged in on my PC today, because I hate trying to type on my phone and because I wanted to be able to use smilies.
) Even the threads I participate in, I rarely post anything because of my phone. So don't be surprised it I am fairly quiet.

I once tried to join the Hatching with Friends thread. I only read what was posted that morning, and then I asked a question. I checked back a few hours later, and they had HUNDREDS of new posts! My question was completely buried, and I had no way to find it again, if anyone ever did answer it. I just don't have time to read hundreds of posts every morning, so I gave up on the Hatching thread. Same thing with the Indiana BYCers thread when I was new. I just couldn't keep up. But now it has slowed down a lot (which is kind of too bad), except that now I can follow it, so I am reading that every day, even if I rarely post. (Which I am going to do soon, because I have a Buff Laced Polish boy that needs a new home.)

So anyway, Hi folks!

Welcome to grannys ! A lot of reading to be sure. hope to have it made into a book someday for myself. we get some busy, some times not. So curious, what was that question ?
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