grannys gone and done it

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Hi Stuff ! Glad you finally caught up. Glad this last surgery is done and hope it takes. Maybe some piece of mind.

My eyes are dilated too and cant see crap.
Welcome Finnie! And another person from Indiana! Hooooosiers! Glad you stopped in to say hello. And you have Polish too! Any Tolbunts?

So, as I sit here in the hospital waiting for my S.O. to come back from his FOURTH surgery in 9 months, I figure I might as well do some splaining about my long absence before my nursing duties resume (I'm not a nurse, but could almost be qualified before all this is over, lol). Anyway, he had Carpal Tunnel surgery in January, which healed nicely, but the Dr said it was the worst she's ever seen. Then in June his whole hand became swollen huge and the Dr had to go back in for surgery #2, from which his wrist had never healed. Then another surgery to try to close it in July. Still an open wound all this time. So now the Dr is using a type of graft to try to close it. Dr. just came and told me he'll be out soon & everything went well, just have to wait and see if it will heal this time.
P.S. For those considering Carpal Tunnel surgery, this is a Very Rare thing!
Hopefully I'll be back on later if I can get him settled at home.
That's a lot of catching up to do! Good luck to your S.O. Terrible thing to not be able to use a hand. So many things you can't do easily that you'd never think until you can't do it.
hello everyone hope every one is doing good just got back from the eye doctor need glasses i have astigmatism
We all wear glasses here. My older son has astigmatism too. He was in 3rd grade when he got his glasses and was so amazed when he first tried them on because suddenly the trees had leaves! Before that, trees looked like green blobs to him, poor guy.

the eye doctor called "granny" old shes only 53.
That eye doctor is lucky he's still standing!
But really, our eyes start aging around 45 yrs. It gets harder to see things up close for most people.

the eye doctor had white hairs she dosent hahahahahahaha
Maybe the doctor can't see good enough to tell! hahaha!
Hi Stuff ! Glad you finally caught up. Glad this last surgery is done and hope it takes. Maybe some piece of mind.

My eyes are dilated too and cant see crap.

Hate having my eyes dilated. Instant 2 day headache. Haven't let them do it in 30 years! Next visit I will let them check, since it's been awhile!

Did the gray-haired geezer eye doc say anything about you pigment loss?
my sister is eat up with colon cancer. Ill be back later
Oh, Granny, there are no words to express how very sorry I am to hear that --
(only wish I could give that in person)

So, as I sit here in the hospital waiting for my S.O. to come back from his FOURTH surgery in 9 months, I figure I might as well do some splaining about my long absence before my nursing duties resume (I'm not a nurse, but could almost be qualified before all this is over, lol). Anyway, he had Carpal Tunnel surgery in January, which healed nicely, but the Dr said it was the worst she's ever seen. Then in June his whole hand became swollen huge and the Dr had to go back in for surgery #2, from which his wrist had never healed. Then another surgery to try to close it in July. Still an open wound all this time. So now the Dr is using a type of graft to try to close it. Dr. just came and told me he'll be out soon & everything went well, just have to wait and see if it will heal this time.
P.S. For those considering Carpal Tunnel surgery, this is a Very Rare thing!
Hopefully I'll be back on later if I can get him settled at home.
Yikes, that's a whole lot going on - I really hope this is the last surgery and he has a full recovery!
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