grannys gone and done it

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Sorry, Linda. That stinks. With book fair and lunch money and paying for meds out of pocket this month I felt like I spent the weekend just driving and blowing money. I had lunch with my folks (they paid) at Cracker Barrel (so I shopped) and I got the car washed and bought craft supplies. I used cash from the chicken sales for the supplies, but still. That's why I've stayed home and fed the kids cereal and sandwiches.
The guineas put themselves in the coop tonight. If I were old timey folks, I'd be expecting a big storm to blow through. :oops:

This is the first time they've even chosen to sleep inside a structure.
Just got back from shopping. Michael never came... Just Joey so I don't even know if what I got fits him cause Joey is thicker than him... 200 bucks.... Stripped my account. I'm pretty grumpy. Michael wouldn't even answer my texts when I tried to ask questions... But man he sure loves tonight me about everything when he's home... I hate shopping. So very flustered.

Take his phone for a few days - if he can't/won't be bothered to respond to you he doesn't need to have it.
Take his phone for a few days - if he can't/won't be bothered to respond to you he doesn't need to have it.

He took off to his girlfriend's house. I feel like I've lost control and they just take money for granted and are very self absorbed right now. I'm just flustered. Dad is grumpy... The kids aren't helping with that.... Hubby hasn't sold a car and I am stressed about affording the tickets... 16 bucks a piece and Brandon's birthday Wednesday. Try to send a message to their biological dad... No answer. I'll get it figured out but it's just very stressful right now.
He finally answered his phone.. He said it was dead... Told him how much everything was and I'm strapped he responds with don't forget to order the corsages.... I'm gonna go to the dollar store and make them and he will probably be ****** about it.

Well, clearly it isn't all *that* important to him since he couldn't even be bothered to go shopping WITH you - he can be happy with whatever you get him.
Well, clearly it isn't all *that* important to him since he couldn't even be bothered to go shopping WITH you - he can be happy with whatever you get him.

That's what I think... He thinks just because he has straight a and he doesn't do drugs or smoke and is a fairly good kid he should be able to do and get what ever he pleases... Told him the world don't work that way. Told him its your job to try your best in school and make smart choices... For a smart kid he sure can be a dingbat.
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