grannys gone and done it

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if you knew how much "extra" of what ingrediement  you could just up the rest of the amount by the same percentage and have a HUGE batch of no bakes.

I measured every thing.  I used tub butter instead of a stick but I always do.    They formed but very sticky. didnt get firm at all.

Roll them in powdered sugar!
Ugh. Something about this window. Randomly will disappear and then I have no idea where I was in here. I have no hope of catching up.

Morning all!
Mornings, I slept in. A lot.
Camping, great idea ! Thank you. They are still sitting in the fridge looking pretty sad. LOL
DD woke me up trying to let the dogs out. Poor thing didnt know that Frosty dont let no one mess with me while I am sleeping. and she wont leave my side. DD knows that now. hahaa Some lessons just need to be learned the hard way.
Morning. No school for bubba today. We went grocery shopping and then he helped me pump gas. He likes to run up ahead of me then hold his hands out and say "after you!" :love

DH should be home any minute and I'm dying just waiting for him. He left Thursday for a backpacking trip in Arkansas. He was supposed to be home last night but it was so late I encouraged him to stay with a friend in north LA.

Craft fair is this weekend. I'm thinking about going to town Thursday and staying the night with friends. Only problem with that is if I need to craft something else for the booth. Guess we'll see what I get done today.
Good morning all. Number two is texting... Needs to be picked up.. Says he's sick and his throat really hurts. Number one is texting too but I'm ignoring it cause he wants to leave school early to go to a doctors apt with his gf. Hubby is home today. They are gonna pick up Kyles car today and we got to get the house good for the party tomorrow... Which means I have to bake a cake.
Mornings, I slept in. A lot.
Camping, great idea ! Thank you. They are still sitting in the fridge looking pretty sad. LOL
DD woke me up trying to let the dogs out. Poor thing didnt know that Frosty dont let no one mess with me while I am sleeping. and she wont leave my side. DD knows that now.  hahaa  Some lessons just need to be learned the hard way.

Use it as an ice team topping??? Maybe.
Morning. No school for bubba today. We went grocery shopping and then he helped me pump gas. He likes to run up ahead of me then hold his hands out and say "after you!" :love

DH should be home any minute and I'm dying just waiting for him. He left Thursday for a backpacking trip in Arkansas. He was supposed to be home last night but it was so late I encouraged him to stay with a friend in north LA.

Craft fair is this weekend. I'm thinking about going to town Thursday and staying the night with friends. Only problem with that is if I need to craft something else for the booth. Guess we'll see what I get done today.

How many things did you get done for the craft fair... Picture maybe?
Use it as an ice team topping??? Maybe.

morning, I dont care what they do with it. LOL I never really liked them anyway. DH was just in there trying to throw them away. Birthday party. I hope he has a blast !

Camping, I can see Bubba doing that ! haha so cute.
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