grannys gone and done it

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say does that mean Red has to go through Quarantine again since he has been away from the flock for so long ???
Nah, his germs are our germs!
I let the seramas hatch out a few. 4 cockerels and 2 pullets. Only keeping one of each, the others are sold, although they are still HERE, living in my garage and WAKING me up too early every morning. The woman is supposed to come get them soon... I hope! The one pullet I'm keeping has been broody for 3 months. I tok her for a ride in the car, hoping to get her interested in something else, but it didn't work. Still on the nest!
ahhh she's pretty. I have one bloody now too. I finally gave up and let her sit on one. I have to check a lot during the day though. She tries to steal more.
Hi Red!!! Missed you!! :hugs :frow :hugs
:hugs missed you tippy. So tell me about the new bf. Twist is dying to know all about him.
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