grannys gone and done it

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Guess imma go for a bit too. Ttyl. Love and missed y'all. Granny
when you get back.

GREAT to see/chat with you again there RED and DO NOT be a stranger or disappear for so long.
DD didnt have babysitter so I went to CBs and got nothing but glowing reports. great responsibility, work always done, testing scores all above average math 7.4 grade level was the highest.
then I took the kids to the lunchroom while DD hit the rest. A friend came by and I passed baby over to her. She just picked him up and took him with her to her DDs conference. LOL Sent another to his mom leaving me 2. I took them outside for one to get his chrome book leaving me one . We went for a walk and found pictures and the honor roll board where I found his and CBs name on there. Then we found the music room empty so we nosed around in there. She didnt get done til 6pm.
So I got home and got yelled at for being gone all day. This time I yelled back.
DD will be here tonight and Toms DD tomorrow night.
LL said house still not ready and promises tomorrow.
DD didnt have babysitter  so I went to CBs and got nothing but glowing reports. great responsibility, work always done, testing scores all above average math 7.4 grade level was the highest.
then I took the kids to the lunchroom while DD hit the rest. A friend came by and I passed baby over to her. She just picked him up and took him with her to her DDs conference. LOL  Sent another to his mom leaving me 2. I took them outside for one to get his chrome book leaving me one . We went for a walk and found pictures and the honor roll board where I found his and CBs name on there. Then we found the music room empty so we nosed around in there.   She didnt get done til 6pm.
So I got home and got yelled at for being gone all day. This time I yelled back. 
DD will be here tonight and Toms DD tomorrow night.
LL said house still not ready and promises tomorrow.

I didn't realize you were staying for all the kids. Wow. You do a lot for your grandkids. I always do my kids all by myself... It would be nice to have the help.

Good job to CB. I like to hear that. I'm hounding my 12 year old as we speak about organizing his back pack and turning in his homework.
I didn't realize you were staying for all the kids. Wow. You do a lot for your grandkids. I always do my kids all by myself... It would be nice to have the help.

Good job to CB. I like to hear that. I'm hounding my 12 year old as we speak about organizing his back pack and turning in his homework.

obviously neither did Tom even though I told him.
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