grannys gone and done it

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Cloudy & breezy here this am. Think were in the outer bands of the hurricane. Its already off coast of daytona beach florida. Obama was on tv telling everybody to be safe. Maybe we ll get some rain. No signoficant precep in 5 weeks.
G'day, mates -- anyone up for some vegemite on toast? Was going through some old pictures last night and came across a few from when we had an Australian exchange student staying with us (I think I was maybe 6th grade?) - all I remember is a) she talked funny, b) she brought us t-shirts with Australian animals which is how I learned about the echidna and the kiwi and c) she tried to make me eat vegemite............

@campingshaws that looks awesome!!!!!!

@prostar hope you start to feel better soon.

@jane s chickens hope you get a little rain, just not too much

@granny hatchet maybe you can sneak in a nap today.
So, had an interview yesterday (never heard back from the first place so take it they didn't like me, lol) - I feel like it went pretty well and, overall it would be a good fit, only downfall being that the hours are 7-4 which means DS would have to be trusted to get himself up and ready and to school every day because both DH and I would be leaving before he even gets up.......still kind of holding out and hoping I hear something back on the three jobs the state has "referred me for further consideration" on - meaning my resume met minimum requirements and it's' up to the local hiring person to decide if they want to call me in for an interview....but need to get to work and start bringing in some more $$$ to the household.

Not been around a whole lot the last few days -- having a really hard stretch missing DD and have, admittedly, been wallowing in my misery. She's going through some crap right now and all I want to do is hug her, and all she wants to do is run to mommy, and that can't happen because of our choice to move out here.......feeling some major mom guilt. That's another part of wanting to hurry up and get to work - DH and I would like to be able to have her, and hopefully her DF if it works out timing wise, come out at some point between now and Christmas for a visit......I'd really like to be able to tell her, "Here's a plan ticket, come see your mommy!"
Good morning.
Camping your crafts look amazing!! It really does make the display!

The piece of poop is at it again on Brianna's Facebook. I reported the posts. I'm so irritated. The girls are trying to stand up for each other but they should NOT be going through this. I can't wait to get my own place. Those girls can just stay with me full time. I'm half tempted to drive to her house when she's getting ready for homecoming cause her dad says he's gonna be there to see her just to give him a piece of my farken mind but no good will come out of it. Lord, bless me with a home fast please.

Just remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Lead by example. I know it is easy to get sucked into others drama, especially when they are hurting someone you love Don't be a part of it. Rise above.

Facebook can be such a double edged sword.
So, had an interview yesterday (never heard back from the first place so take it they didn't like me, lol) - I feel like it went pretty well and, overall it would be a good fit, only downfall being that the hours are 7-4 which means DS would have to be trusted to get himself up and ready and to school every day because both DH and I would be leaving before he even gets up.......still kind of holding out and hoping I hear something back on the three jobs the state has "referred me for further consideration" on - meaning my resume met minimum requirements and it's' up to the local hiring person to decide if they want to call me in for an interview....but need to get to work and start bringing in some more $$$ to the household.

Not been around a whole lot the last few days -- having a really hard stretch missing DD and have, admittedly, been wallowing in my misery.  She's going through some crap right now and all I want to do is hug her, and all she wants to do is run to mommy, and that can't happen because of our choice to move out here.......feeling some major mom guilt.  That's another part of wanting to hurry up and get to work - DH and I would like to be able to have her, and hopefully her DF if it works out timing wise, come out at some point between now and Christmas for a visit......I'd really like to be able to tell her, "Here's a plan ticket, come see your mommy!" 

Hugs to you. It's hard when you are so far away. Praying that you get the job that is right for you and your family..
Thanks y'all. It's been slow. I've sold one hanging jar, one two-toned wrapped jar, one wrapped bottle, and two pin cushions.
Well, on the upside, that is five more things than you had sold yesterday, right? That's five things that will be in someone else's house, be seen by others and asked about....getting your name out there!

Just remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Lead by example. I know it is easy to get sucked into others drama, especially when they are hurting someone you love Don't be a part of it. Rise above.

So wise!

I think granny that your dd has been dominated by hubby for so long she is afraid to do or think for herself and I don't think the drugs in the past have helped either just my opinion
X 2

DD just called asking me what she should do. Taking eldest GS to er. wheezing chest pain. she said what should I do? I told her to stop and get him some benadryl and take him to er. Why wouldnt she know this ?
Is he okay?
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