grannys gone and done it

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Sorry granny. I was eating my chicken thigh. That is a well used muscle. Probably needs to be braised for an hour. Just use butter in your kale & simmer meat in water or broth for an hour after u sear it on both sides.
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Sorry granny. I was eating my chicken thigh. That is a well used muscle. Probably needs to be braised for an hour. Just use butter in your kale & simmer meat in water or broth for an hour after u sear it on both sides.

thats ok, what does braised mean? If I boil it wont the flavor come out? I have fresh kale.
I left Bandit out of his crate today just because I knew I would be gone all day. No messes , nothing chewed up. Its been a long time since he peep or pooped in the house.
I have a neuter appt. for him. Nov. 7th.
wow, he is growing fast. Do you have a weight on him? Is he all house broke ?
He's heavy! I can barely carry him with one arm. He still has accidents, but he's getting there. Very attentive. He will sit and stay at his food bowl until I give the command to "eat." I don't make him wait very long, just a count of like 5, but he can do it! DH is working on fetching also. Jasper will fetch for me but not DH. :lau
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