grannys gone and done it

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Howdy everyone! Miscommunication in a marriage can be a horrible thing. Can cause all sorts of terrible trouble. Like today, for example. Was on my way home from getting our monthly take and bake pizza after getting #2 from practice. Driving with our 3 medium pizzas in the back (I splurged ! $10 Tuesday!! and we like leftovers) and I get a text from hubs saying he has pizza in hand and is heading home from work!!!!
Oopsie! #2 texted back saying so are we, and we'll have to see who got the better pizza. Hubs came home with 2 larges!!!
We are going to be eating pizza all week! Hope my marriage can withstand the horror. Don't think my waistline will!

Oh, AND I got a tub of cookie dough too, which I almost never do!

Anybody want some pizza, come on over!
Howdy everyone! Miscommunication in a marriage can be a horrible thing. Can cause all sorts of terrible trouble. Like today, for example. Was on my way home from getting our monthly take and bake pizza after getting #2 from practice. Driving with our 3 medium pizzas in the back (I splurged ! $10 Tuesday!! and we like leftovers) and I get a text from hubs saying he has pizza in hand and is heading home from work!!!!
Oopsie! #2 texted back saying so are we, and we'll have to see who got the better pizza. Hubs came home with 2 larges!!!
We are going to be eating pizza all week! Hope my marriage can withstand the horror. Don't think my waistline will!

Oh, AND I got a tub of cookie dough too, which I almost never do!

Anybody want some pizza, come on over!
Sounds like this one worked out in your favor. LOL
Made you burp! I'm burping up pizza.
Tried a sliver of #2's meat lovers pizza. I did not love it... too greasy. I ate a cookie, so at least when I burp it tastes a little better!

Are you feeling any better today? Must be nice and quiet there.

We are enjoying having only one cockerel. PJ is coming out of being broody, but she's fighting it. I took her nest away! She stayed with Mr. Man today. Yay!
Im ok, getting a head cold maybe . Pizza loaded with grease. Its easy but not that good. Waslooking at yaks for sale. LOL Farm in Ohio.
So. One of my girls is on time out. She's sleeping in the brooder tonight. Tomorrow I'll have to figure out what to do with her....lock her in the coop and leave the girls in the raptor paddock (open to above predators though) or leave her in the raptor paddock and leave the girls safe on the coop and run.

So we know I have have feather picker. I was making dinner and the girls were tucking the themselves into bed. Suddenly I hear one of my reds just screaming. Run over to the coop, there's my two reds and the troublemaker just roosting on the top of the coop. Check em out, see no signs of fowl play (womp womp) until my little she devil starts going after red's legs (really!) again and red just starts screaming again.

So grab her, carry her around a bit debating what to do, see the brooder toss her in there for the overnight


Chicken jail. I may have to build a temp hen restore or knock her out of pecking order does she have to be out of sight as well as separated?
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