Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

Moved chickens around today so u can produce more GENN's.

I have a Blue Gold Duckwing and a Gold Duckwing in with my Orange Barred Naked Neck rooster, along with my Wheaten Duckwing GENN pullet and two more green egg layers.

I put in a green egg layer with my Blue Copper Naked Neck rooster.

Took my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana rooster and gave him a couple if Naked Neck hens a white and a red one.

I'll be ready to start offering eggs in about three weeks, maybe if things work out.
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I just read and caught up on this thread. Me and my girl were given some not do typical barn yard mix for the bater.

Alegidly, lurking within the blue or olive eggs now heating up, there are a few nnee that the person has been producing because they "look cool". I'm pretty interested now that I have seen some possibilities.
I just read and caught up on this thread. Me and my girl were given some not do typical barn yard mix for the bater.

Alegidly, lurking within the blue or olive eggs now heating up, there are a few nnee that the person has been producing because they "look cool". I'm pretty interested now that I have seen some possibilities.

You'll enjoy them especially if you get some Naked Necked ones. Good luck in the hatch.

Be sure to post pictures when they arrive.
I will. I have had a lot of birds, but never NN before.

I set this round on the evening of the 14th, they are the first eggs (of his)this season so I'm a little nervous about fertility.

I set about a dozen, I should have something with the odds. They were local ,so they were not shipped.

And last year this same person had some hatch out of the first dozen collected.

I'm terrible with chicken math, he had also promised a large amount of Turkey eggs. The eight shipped Bourben red eggs will be set tomorrow pm. Plus the nnee and the approximately 28 super top secret leghorn eggs will leave one or two cups open,

So, how does one fit 20 more eggs into 2 open cups. Ha Ha.

That's two full incubators running at my place for about 3 months now.
The second round of Green Egger Naked Neck hatch. Hatched on Ocyober 2, 2014.
Tomorrow they will be 24 weeks look what I got today:

Upper and lower picture the same egg. It is a dull colored almost olive green. Guess I'll say dark green. The bottom picture looked good when I looked through the camera but after I snapped it looks like a light brown color. But it is green.


Not a small egg either, it weighed 2 oz.

Now if the young man will get busy and learn how to do his job. I've caught him trying but the least resistance from the pullet he gives up. Giving him a little time yet because I'm not ready to set any eggs from these pullets yet anyway.
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