Green "tube" coming out vent

Try giving them back their egg shells. I collect a panful, then when I turn off my oven, I stick them in the oven for about 5 min. Otherwise, I heat them at 225F which makes them dry and brittle, but not burned. Put them in a freezer bag and crush very fine. I put some out each day in a pan or sprinkled on the ground. They prefer those to the oyster shell.

With your hen, I agree that it looks like an egg membrane, so I would try to pull it out. There may be some glitch in egg laying, where only membrane is produced or an egg can break. The thing to worry about is impacted oviduct or egg binding, where bacteria can cause infection. Do not flush the vent, but you can insert a finger an inch inside to feel for egg matter, shell, or membrane, and of course, an egg.

I would give her human calcium with vitamin D for a couple of days to see if the eggs become normal with hard shells. If she has a shell-less egg that gets stuck, those can be hard to pass. Make sure that she is drinking plenty of water.

Here is some reading about egg problems:

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