Greetings, a new person

Pleased to meet-cha! Hope you have fun here!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I planned to get Connie's friend from a place in Macclesfield, VIC called Abundant Layers. I planned to get a Buff Orpington 20 week pullet for her, because their website said they had orpingtons. When I got there, the owner said they didn't stock Orpingtons anymore and that the person who updates their website hasn't had time to update the website. I also found out that the oldest hens they had for sale were 8 weeks old. So I ended up getting 1 Light Sussex pullet, 1 Coronation Sussex pullet and 1 Plymouth Rock pullet; all 8 weeks. They are in the indoor pullet run for now. I called them Lily (Coronation Sussex), Charlotte (Light Sussex) and Olive (Plymouth Rock).

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