Greetings and Salutations!


May 21, 2020
Hello there everybody!

Just taking a moment to introduce myself to everybody. I live in the boot, and the chicken math is strong with us. LOL!!! We're a family of 4 and with all of this stay-at-homing we had to do earlier in the year my hubby and I decided it would be the ideal time to start building our own flocks.

I grew up living the farm life and he was a suburbanite so he's never really been around livestock..... only dogs and parakeets. Our kiddos haven't been around animals as much as I was even though we live on acreage out in the sticks. In today's world and with their school clubs we were always so dadgum busy that we had to put it on a back burner.

So here we are with our first two waves of chickens. 16 laying hens (the egg counts around October will be quite something o-O), 13 meat birds (we began with 36 but an unexpected heat wave took a hefty toll on them) and 4 bantams that my oldest was smitten with. He has named them appropriately: Eenie, Meenie, Miney and Moe. They have won all of our hearts, if I'm honest. So much personality in such a tiny bird!

And by the end of next week my first round of ornamentals will be arriving..... 10 silver phoenix chicks. I'm so very excited!!

We're all in this adventure together. The youngest is already claiming the lay hens as "his birds" and he gets up every morning to let them out in their tractor, cleans their waterers and drops their feed and grit. He dotes on them and it is so very precious. The oldest keeps a watchful eye on his little bantams and assists with the meat chicks. Hubby and I are feverishly building all of the accommodations for our rapidly exploding poultry population.... chicken math is so real y'all. But we couldn't be more excited and happy to have them. They're only weeks old but they've added so much life and light to our lives already.

We've got an uphill battle as far as the predators go so we're kinda banking on these first birds being preyed upon despite our attempts to critter-proof their cages/ tractors. We've got just about everything... bobcats, coyotes, foxes, minks, eagles, hawks, crows, dogs, feral hogs, raccoons, snakes..... about the only thing we're lacking is bears and wolves.

So there we go.... a heavily abridged synopsis with the sole intent of telling everybody hello from Louisiana!

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