Greetings from Westgate on Sea, UK

Is it just one doing the bullying?
Another idea is separate the bully from the flock as suggested but instead of keeping it in sight of the rest of the flock put it in the garage or somewhere else out of sight.
Do this for about a week or a bit longer if possible, then re-introduce it back to the flock, the bully will no longer be regarded as an old member but a new member to the flock and the bully will get bullied to put it in it's place, so instead of being top or near the top of the pecking order it will be the bottom, and the others will make sure it stays there.

As for the broody hen then the best thing is again as suggested put her in a dog crate with food and water, raise it off the ground on wooden blocks or bricks to let air flow under.
Put a piece of wood in to act as a roost, don't have any where for her to sit only on the roost, no nest box, keep in her in sight of the rest of the flock and keep her in there for 3 days.
Usually 3 days is the norm then you can let her out, hopefully the broodiness will have been broken, she should start to lay again in a few days.

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