greetings & salutations from CT


7 Years
Aug 12, 2012
i am a new to chicken keeping and enjoying most every minute of it (even cleaning out the coop today- the girls always seem so appreciative). we have six, they were hatched august 1. we got the coop and a number of books the fall before we got them, so i've been reading and planning and reading some more... but theory and practice don't always agree, so i have been fooled already more than once during these first five months! i look forward to learning more about them and their kind and this is such a lovely forum!
Howdy from Kansas, backyardcelia, and
! Pleased you joined us! Good luck to you and your birds!!
Welcome to BYC ^_^ i used to live in CT a few years back but now i am living in NY where i started raising chickens for the first time. Hope you enjoy it here!

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