Grow Out Cage


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Van Vleck ,TX
Got to build a Grow out cage for 100 Jumbo Brn/AM .This will be for use from out of brooder 3/4 week to7/8 week time frame then to freezer...Yea I know 1sf per bird for mature birds .What size do I need to build were talking 1 cage ???? your input please??? thx... cva34

I have searched and searched and I know the answer is there someplace.But I ain't found!
i used an old bookcase as a grow out pen, knocked out the back, replaced with hardware cloth and put doors on the front. it was about 6.5'x2.5' and i could hold about 50 in there w/o any issues.
its nothing special, but works and only cost me about 5 bucks worth of hardware cloth. it serves its purpose.

here is a shot of the top. i only have one side open mainly due to rain, at least this way they can get on the other side. Lid is just plywood with drawer handles i had lying around screwed into them.


and here is the front. the legs are made from the shelves, i just screwed them on there. kinda rinky-dink but it works great

2x4 just there to level it out.

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