Growing my little flock

These four derps spent their first night in the coop with the big chickies.


Meep was the first one I put in at dusk and she went straight to roost next to Squishy. That gave me a false sense of how easy it was going to be lol. When I tried to put the boys in...scream, scream, cry, cry, whine, scream, no mommy don't make us go in the box (never mind that we go it during the day all the time), scream, scream, scream. Junior coming near the door and clucking encouragement made no difference. Eventually got them in and got the door closed and they slept in a pile by the door. Even Dimple tried to make them move since she knows that's a bad sleeping spot but...a feather heap by the door it was. Morning was amusing - got up extra early to make sure all went well and saw it was just Junior out with the chicks at first. Everyone else waited about a half hour longer to get out of bed while Junior was spending that time tidbitting individual food crumbles for the babies lol.

Meanwhile, the olive eggers got an upgrade to the cube. Please excuse the appearance of the brooder has been cleaned many, many times, but they seem to preferentially go up there to poop.
Heat advisory a couple days ago. Only about 85F but it was the saturated humidity I guess. Yuck for my dog, yuck for me, but just right for a bunch of little floofs that actually need that temperature.


They all have names now. The black ones are Raven and Hobbit (who has some scraggly foot feathers), there's little Fuzzy, and Joker Face's stripey partners in mischief seemed like they had to be Riddles and Harley lol.
Oh Mr. Cuddles got none of your dad's chill, all of your mom's pushiness, and you can be a big ol' pain in the patooter sometimes...

...but you do such a darned good with helping integrate little chicky chicks that aren't even yours (olive eggers int he background here) with a bunch of big grumpy hens. Even if you are coming to the door in this photo because you think my blue pants are sus LOL.
Decided to introduce the cockerel trio here to the Bean pair by letting them out to forage at the same time yesterday, since Vanilla Bean will be their eventual bachelor flock companion. Vanilla Bean just seemed quite happy to meet some new friends and liked hanging out with them. So I guess when the time comes, I can just put him in with them no problem...not what I was expecting. In sharp contrast, I'm pretty sure boss music started playing when 8.5lbs of angry Coco Bean hen came barreling down the hill at the poor cockerels. Good thing she is not going to be in their flock lol.


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