Guard donkey. What's the deal?


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Portland, OR
I have read a few posts over the past weeks and I keep seeing people bring up donkeys. What's the basics I should know about donkeys? I googled around and found some info but I was looking for info from people who have donkeys or have experience with them personally. I have a few basic questions:

1) Is one donkey okay or should I get him a donkey friend? Would chicken companions be enough?

2) How much of a threat are they to my chickens? Would a donkey accidentally kill one or are they pretty good about knowing which animals are friends.

3) Will they attack a raccoon or are they more geared towards coyotes and dogs?

4) What type of shelter do you need for a donkey?

5) Are they expensive to feed and maintain?
Q: 1: I would say get 2. They protect eachother to so 2 would be best
Q: 2: I don't have free rangeing chickens but mine are in pens surrounded by the donkeys they dont seem to bother them at all.
Q: 3: they usually do go after dogs and coyotes. But I have had dead snakes, dogs, cats, and possum. Never a raccoon but I've also never had anything get any of my chickens so they may just be scared to come around
Q: 4: I just have one of the metal carports as a shelter but they very seldom are under it unless it is flooding.
Q: 5: If you have a large enough area for them to graze they will eat the grass.(less I have to mow). They need around an acre per head. I have 2 acres and 3 donkeys. And feed them one scoop( a 2 liter bottle with the top cut out) each every day. Around 50 pounds a week.
Great, thanks. I have 2.5 acres but probably only around 2 of that are accessible, the other half acre is down a bluff before a river. Would that be a problem do you think? It isn't a cliff but it's too rugged to walk, and goes right down to a medium sized river. Nice view but would there be a threat of my donkeys going over the edge and being unable to get back up? Also, how much of a threat do you think cats are of being victim to a donkey? I have a couple house cats, they don't go outside too much... lost our previous cats to raccoons/coyotes, they're awful... so neighbor cats are always wandering over to look at my cats through the windows, I would feel awful if the donkeys trampled the neighbor kid's cat to death.
Different ones do different things but I wouldn't put it past them. Anything that may harm them will definitely get trampled. But if its in there pen it may just get killed.
Q1: I have two cows with mine. They need some other knid of hoofed animal(s) with them: donkey, cow, goat, sheep.
Q2: I free range my chickens, geese and guineas and my donkey does not bother them at all.
Q4: I have a barn but I've noticed he doesn't shelter from the rain, just the heat-- the barn is shaded and cooler.

One more thing you need to know (at least this is true about mine): when he brays, which is several times a day & whenever anyone drives up or I first go out, when I get home from work, when he is waiting on his sweet feed treat in the morning, etc., my donkey is the loudest animal I have ( & I have geese and guineas) -- people are shocked at how loud he can sound off.

the other half acre is down a bluff before a river. Would that be a problem do you think? It isn't a cliff but it's too rugged to walk, and goes right down to a medium sized river. Nice view but would there be a threat of my donkeys going over the edge and being unable to get back up? Also, how much of a threat do you think cats are of being victim to a donkey?

The bluff should not be a problem. Donkeys are very agile and sure-footed. My donkey is a rescue that survived the April 27 tornados here in Alabama. His previous pasture & barn took a direct hit wrapping his fence with a couple hundred trees. His owners could not believed he survived. He was found two days later without a scratch. They said it was amazing how he could climb through all the downed trees and debris.​
Also, better to get a Gelding or a Jenny. I am told that intact Jacks can be more aggressive. Mine, of course, is a Jack . . . my luck & he has been aggressive toward the cows a couple of times -- any advice on how to curb that would be appreciated by me.
everyone around me has a Donkey or two, to protect their cows, goats, sheep,emu's etc. they really are loud. My friend just had his Jack fixed because he was after the mares. they are great protectors and watch animals, always alert.
The father of the miniature jack my uncle has killed an entire group of goslings on their way to the pond one morning.
I think it would depend in the individual donkey. I used to let my calves graze on my uncles pasture but had to move them. Nibbles( my uncles mini jack) was chasing them and biting their necks till they bled. He only weighs about 200 pounds or so but he had a registered 1600 lb black angus bull running from him and so scared he almost went through my fence. Had it been my donkey he would be glue by now. He is very friendly to people though so its kinda wierd.
Even though it is a general rule that you should have an acre per head it's wayyyy better to have more than that. Down here in texas we haven't had much rain so the grass isn't growing like it normally would. If we only had an acre per animal we'd be in BIGGG trouble. I mean BIG. They can live on 1 acre but you'll have to supply grain and hay in winter.

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