Guess the Gender: Bantam Black Cochin

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
Just wondering if you folks could make a guess on the gender of my little Lucky. Sorry for the pic quality, and ignore the date stamp!

S/he is 4.5wks old, and is a bantam black cochin. Pic has exaggerated the redness of her comb, it's more orangey, but turns redder against her head. Waddles are small, but red.

Doesn't act aggressive, and isn't trying to 'wrassle' with my other chick. No chest bumping.


Darn. That's what I thought, too. Ah, well.

Lucky is the only egg I've ever hatched.. and stays no matter WHAT gender. Just sort of hoped he was a girl so I could just have ONE coop of chickens instead of two.. LOL!

Thanks guys.

On an episode of How it's made the other night, they had a clip on sexing chicks in a hatchery. They held up their little day old wings and if the two rows of feathers were exactly the same length, they were roosters, if one row was shorter than the other, of course they were hens. They did it in a matter of about ten seconds and chunked those little chicks onto a conveyor belt to be shipped off somewhere for either egg production or chicken stew (guessing about the stew..... could have been for chicken salad! lol!). I didn't know about this when mine were biddies but it might have allowed me to trade my rooster for a hen right at the beginning instead of having to later rehome him. Course this may be harder to do than it looked, the feather chcieking thing, not sure, give it a try. There are other ways listed on the internet to tell the sex of a chicken also, some extremely nasty technique about looking inside the vent for a male part and another one about the shape of the wing feathers and still another one about the rooster spurs and I think even a dna test, I guess the surest bet is time and that telltale crow that will either come or not!! Darlene

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