Ended Guess When BYC Will Hit 1.5 Million Threads!

I think I'm going to implement a new rule and it's going to be something along the lines of every time someone breaks a rule in this thread, they're going to be required to do data entry for this contest.
I make them a clean blank Google sheet so they can start fresh with post number one.
Or, just let the ā€œno-goodā€ guess stand as is, unable to be counted, to give those who actually read the rules a better shot! It would be way less work. You could just say, okā€¦.if thatā€™s the guess you really wantā€¦.I guess Iā€™ll mark you down for itā€¦.šŸ˜‚

Yesterday (5/13), at 9:30 am, there were 1,494,182 threads.
Today (5/14), at 9:25 am, there were 1,494,344 threads.

1,494,182 - 1,494,344 = 162 threads in ~24 hours

This contest ends in 20 days on June 5th, 2023.
As of right now, there are 5644 threads to go.

To get to 1,500,000 threads by June 5th, we need to average 246 new threads per day.

Thinking Think GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

So who wants to change their guess?
I'd like to change mine to 6-1-2023 at 10pm please

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