Guinea Fowl Pulling Chickens Feathers Out


Nov 16, 2021
New England

Wondering if anyone else has had this issue

We raised our 4 Keets with 4 Lavender Orp chicks. They are BFF most of the time. The guineas do not leave their sides. They will even cuddle together at times. So sweet.

However, they sometimes turn into devils and chase them and pull out their tail feathers. It’s vicious.

They free-range and have a 8x16 run when they are inside. Anything I can do to stop this behavior? My poor chicks are missing most of their tail feathers.

Thank you!

Picture of the crew!
That's pretty typical guinea behavior. I don't know of a way to stop it unless you separate them. 😕
Thank you! Ugh. So sad. They are flock mates and most of the time the best of friends. The guineas also will not leave haha they just stay by the run and the chicks. Maybe when the girls are bigger it will stop?
I didn't see you mention how old they are but I'm guessing not full grown? If anything, I imagine it will get worse when everyone's spring hormones are raging. 😕
I coop my guineas and chickens together. They have an automatic door that opens early each morning and they all free range all day. The chickens all tend to spread out and do their things and the guineas stick together and do their own thing. I've never seen my guineas rip out tail feathers but I have no doubt they would if they had less space.
I think my set up only works because my coop is far bigher than necessary, plus the free ranging and automatic door.
Good luck with your birds. Sorry I can't be of more help.
I didn't see you mention how old they are but I'm guessing not full grown? If anything, I imagine it will get worse when everyone's spring hormones are raging. 😕
I coop my guineas and chickens together. They have an automatic door that opens early each morning and they all free range all day. The chickens all tend to spread out and do their things and the guineas stick together and do their own thing. I've never seen my guineas rip out tail feathers but I have no doubt they would if they had less space.
I think my set up only works because my coop is far bigher than necessary, plus the free ranging and automatic door.
Good luck with your birds. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Thank you!!

The chicks will be 28 weeks and the guineas are 27. Basically full-grown, but I hope you are right and they just chill since they free range most of the day. The guineas just love their chicks minus the feather pulling time.

Wondering if anyone else has had this issue

We raised our 4 Keets with 4 Lavender Orp chicks. They are BFF most of the time. The guineas do not leave their sides. They will even cuddle together at times. So sweet.

However, they sometimes turn into devils and chase them and pull out their tail feathers. It’s vicious.

They free-range and have a 8x16 run when they are inside. Anything I can do to stop this behavior? My poor chicks are missing most of their tail feathers.

Thank you!
Sorry to hear that! My first group of guineas were brooder with chicks and ducks. I had to separate my guineas at about 3-4 months because they went from sweet and shy with my other poultry to evil wolf pack attacks. I also got rid of half of my first Guinea flock to remove the most aggressive ones, which turned out to be all of the males! The hens will join in but are less likely to instigate trouble. Now that they are cooped and brooder separately, plus I’ve added to make a larger Guinea flock, the guineas mostly ignore my chickens and ducks.
Sorry to hear that! My first group of guineas were brooder with chicks and ducks. I had to separate my guineas at about 3-4 months because they went from sweet and shy with my other poultry to evil wolf pack attacks. I also got rid of half of my first Guinea flock to remove the most aggressive ones, which turned out to be all of the males! The hens will join in but are less likely to instigate trouble. Now that they are cooped and brooder separately, plus I’ve added to make a larger Guinea flock, the guineas mostly ignore my chickens and ducks.
Thank you! It’s mostly the one female who instigates! (2 females and 1 male currently). The chicks are 4 females and I have 3 older hens who just avoid all of them. Maybe we need more Guinea? Guinea math 😂

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