Guineas breeding


6 Years
Apr 29, 2015
We purchased 15 day old chicks last year and now I am down to 2 guineas: 1 male/1female. She has laid about a dozen eggs which she has hidden in our neighbors hedge row. I have never seen the male mount that standard for guineas?

I found her first nest under the rose of sharon bush, but when I took them she moved her nest to the neighbors hedge row.

Will she eventually go 'broody'? I don't want to invest in a brooder if the eggs are not fertile.
How did you lose all those guineas? Were they taken by predators or illness or ??? It would be best if you post on the guinea threads at "Other Backyard Poultry" forum above. I don't know anything about guineas but the folks there -really do.

If you hadn't taken the eggs under the Rose of Sharon, she may have sat on them to hatch them. Usually a broody(chickens, anyway) will hatch a certain amount of eggs and then stay on them. When you took them she had to start all over again. She sounds very determined.
We sold several once they feathered out. The road got 2, our greyhounds got 1, and 1 dissappeared.
I'm glad you joined our "flock!"

Unfortunately, I don't know much about guineas, so I can't answer your questions. I'd post in the Guinea section of the forums: Guinea Fowl

Good luck with your guinea fowl!
Welcome to BYC!

I'm so glad you could join our flock! Sorry, I don't know much about Guinea Fowl either. I definitely suggest posting in the Guinea Fowl section (Guinea Fowl) for some good answers. I hope you can find the answers you need! I've never kept Guinea Fowl before, but they sure seem interesting.

Welcome to our community and I hope you enjoy BYC as much as we do!
I found the Guinea section and have been reading just about every post. The Ghen has sitting on her eggs in our neighbors hedgerow. She comes home every few days for a brief visit then she returns to the nest.

Our white Gmale returned home after about 3 weeks -- no idea what he was up to.

Considering incubating her eggs but then again I might let her hatch her eggs. Will definitely take them from her once they hatch and brood them in the hen house.

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