Guineas Keets Dying

May 13, 2018
I got 6 guineas keets on Friday. Everything was fine until today. I have lost two within the last 4 hours. The first one was lethargic. The second I just found and it almost seemed like it was having a seizure. Everyone else is up and moving around, they seem fine. I have them on 24% gamebird starter, they have fresh water, and I have them on a rubber shelf liner. I am using a momma heating pad and they are plenty warm. Is there anything else I should be doing or is there something I am not doing that I should be? I have never lost chicks or ducklings this young so I am at a loss.
A local farm store. I called this morning and they said they will make it right. So far the other 4 seem to be okay. One has me a little nervous because it is holding its wings out from its body. They are eating and drinking.
A local farm store. I called this morning and they said they will make it right. So far the other 4 seem to be okay. One has me a little nervous because it is holding its wings out from its body. They are eating and drinking.

That’s good that they will replace them.

It may have been that those were just sick from the start and probably nothing you did. But there’s no way of me knowing that. I guess we’ll find out when you get the replacements. Hopefully they thrive and will have no issues.
When I went to pick up the replacements, I was told that this batch was intransit when the temperature dropped and they have had a good number of them struggling. So far everyone is super active, chatty, eating and drinking. I have them in the house so I can keep an eye on everyone. Losing the other three was awful and I would not like to repeat it.
When I went to pick up the replacements, I was told that this batch was intransit when the temperature dropped and they have had a good number of them struggling. So far everyone is super active, chatty, eating and drinking. I have them in the house so I can keep an eye on everyone. Losing the other three was awful and I would not like to repeat it.

I’m glad you were able to find some sort of explanation as to why they may not have made it.

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