Hai everyone c: Want to hear about my 2 little show chickys? ^u^


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
Ameraucana and this other one that sounds like ocelot and
the two types of chicken I have! I love them to pieces and
they are about 2.5 months old. I got them from a local
feed store that sells little chickys all year around.
Their names are Itachi, and the other I haven't decided
on yet... Yes, I name my chickens because I'm just
professional like that lol. I've raised chickens before, but
not this young. Any pointers? .u.
Thanks, Deidara Senpia
Welcome!! If the chicks are 2.5 months old, they should be well fledged. I would make sure that they have a warm and dry place to stay and maybe a heat lamp at night for them if they feel the need for extra warmth. I guess that depends on where you live. They will need clean food and water and good grain and that's about it. Most chickens are easy keepers and that is what I like about them. They are fun to raise, you can get fresh eggs daily and they don't need to be in the house. I love my chicken girls but they are messy! Have fun with hour chickens. They are fun to watch.

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