halfway through my duck/goose hatch, Anyone else expecting around 4/27? Hatch-Along


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
I'm halfway through my egg hatch and the ducks are looking good. 6 of 6 are developing nicely. I bought a stronger light for the goose eggs since I cannot see a darn thing so far. I took one out during the first week because it didn't smell right when I candled it. Didn't need light to say it wasn't good, LOL.

It's my first time with goose eggs, and I had NO idea the shells were that thick! Not sure I'll be able to see with new light, but it's the strongest light I could find. My duck light is over 100 lumens and didn't show anything. Tonight we'll see if it works, and if it does I'll finally get an idea of how many goslings to expect.
I have Mandarins hatching on 26 Apr and Anconas hoefully hatching 4 May. First time hatching waterfowl so kind of skeptical especially with the Mandarin's since I heard they are hard to hatch?

Good luck with Goose eggs, I just heard they really need good humidity to hatch and can be trickey.


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