My Broody has a clutch of eight she started sitting on on the 11th, so I'm going to put her down too, for eight chicken eggs ( RIReds and Barreds with RIRed roo)...View attachment 1561980Madame Broodiest, Cecilia.
All eggs disappeared over last two weeks
We have an egg eater...
Sigh...have narrowed it down to three of the flock that it could be...
The chicks are doing real well in their new brooder and they’ve found the water nipples no more changing water jars. :yesss:
we just switched to nipples in the run too.....turkeys seem to be having a bit of trouble getting enough water out of them so I’ve been running it out into catch pan but they try to catch it and get my finger!! :lau i may have to give them back a jar!
set up automatic feeder in the run today.....set to throw food 3x per day.......trying to get an idea of how it will work for days we may be away during holidays. also ordered heater for watering system (a bit late because supposed to drop below freezing tomorrow):barnie

:yesss:oh and hubs don’t know it yet but another chicken egg assortment (9 eggs) ordered for Christmas hatch!!! :jumpy

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