Hands on hatching and help

I agree with most of what you say. But I don't like the wrap-in-wet-paper-towel thing. Especially with a forced-air incubator. "I" think the paper towel makes things worse. It restricts the necessary air flow through the shell, they actually cool faster, and the paper towel can dry out quickly too. And as you mentioned, the chick can get smothered or tangled in it, when it does start to hatch. If more moisture is needed, wad the paper towel up, wet it, and lay it beside the egg. JMHO
that is why I emphasis LOOSELY.. Give the egg space to breath... in a forced air the towel will dry out quickly so I've had better making a cave more or less. I've never had one get tangled up or smothered Once you crack that shell (or the chick does), it starts to dry out quickly. I've tried sponges before similiar to your suggestion, but hey don't concentrate enough humidity to the egg.
that is why I emphasis LOOSELY.. Give the egg space to breath... in a forced air the towel will dry out quickly so I've had better making a cave more or less. I've never had one get tangled up or smothered Once you crack that shell (or the chick does), it starts to dry out quickly. I've tried sponges before similiar to your suggestion, but hey don't concentrate enough humidity to the egg.

As I said, I was just stating my opinion.
that is why I emphasis LOOSELY..  Give the egg space to breath... in a forced air  the towel will dry out quickly so I've had better making a cave more or less.  I've never had one get tangled up or smothered Once you crack that shell (or the chick does), it starts to dry out quickly.  I've tried sponges before similiar to your suggestion, but hey don't concentrate enough humidity to the egg. 

Coconut oil applied lightly across the membrane keeps it from drying out really well... :)
Good news! I found a couple of Brinsea Octagons on FB, with turners, so I'm getting one. I'm not sure I'll hatch any more this season, but it sure will be nice to have an extra for next year. :yiipchick And I have to share a couple new pics of George. I got this adorable little guy from @Laurel Meadows and he already has me wrapped around his little toe. :) He's a real sweetie! It was wonderful meeting a fellow BYCer and her family! And one of her beautiful daughters picked a cute little boy for me (I couldn't choose!!) He will eventually replace my blue frizzle bantam cochin Armand (yes, Armand's days are numbered). Meet George!
:love George! Aw thanks! It was awesome to meet you too!
Your husband cracked me up too- right off the bat, asked me "are you one of those crazy chicken ladies too?" :lau Yep, I am! Lol
The badges are in!!!!!! Congrats to: @RubyNala97 @BYC910 @FridayYet @RavynFallen YAY!!!!!! :weee
Congrats everyone!!
Ducky number 2 has hatched! He is so cute. 2 down and 8 to go.... :fl wish us luck lol.
Oh my goodness they are adorable!!!! Congrats, you did great! :yiipchick
Hey guys and gals. After I went back to sleep this morning to try to get a few more hours until my kids woke up,....I woke up to the Serama chickie having externally pipped and it looks like she is already trying to zip a little. I'm monitoring closely. The baby has its beak through and you can see it "trying". I need a quick shower and then I will reassess the situation. Today is day 22. 

Oh how exciting! This little baby is finally going to be here!! :)

:love George!
Aw thanks! It was awesome to meet you too!

Your husband cracked me up too- right off the bat, asked me "are you one of those crazy chicken ladies too?" :lau
Yep, I am! Lol
Congrats everyone!!
Oh my goodness they are adorable!!!! Congrats, you did great! :yiipchick

Thank you. I love these babies!! How do you all get them homes? I'm already thinking I'm going to keep all of them lmao... :)

Coconut oil applied lightly across the membrane keeps it from drying out really well... :)

If you go to the baby forum on pt those women use coconut oil for everything lol its like liquid gold. Baby has a diaper rash use coconut oil. Baby has. Cradle cap use coconut oil. Baby is alergic to coconut don't worry coconut oil will fix that lmfao.. :)
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no problem.. in a small tabletop it might work... I'm running GQF 1502s and a couple others of similar size.

X2! Air blowing across the damp paper towel does cool the towel, egg and chick.


I actually noticed this with my first assist in my brinsea octagon 20. I tried wrapping it in the paper towel but the chick looked so cold. Now I just put a paper towel in there for the humidity.

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