Hands on hatching and help

Oh thank you! I see he's turned in there...it's not a blondie! I see feathers but no beak. The first one is just hanging in there, I can see his beak. I'll be brokenhearted to get only one out of this hatch...hope to get two at least! Don't want any lonely chicks....

How are yours coming??
The six that are out look good. I don't expect anything from the other 3 until late tonight, early tomorrow. Today is day 20, so they are technically on time. Thanks for asking. Hopefully both of yours will make an entrance by tonight.
Yes. I had one crack the back at day 17 last year. I put scotch tape on it. Pipped and hatched by itself no problem. But I did keep a good eye on it.

Do I warm the wax a little bit and brush it on? Or do I carefully rub the wax on while it's cold? I'm sorry this is my first hatch ever and I'm not sure what to do. Of course it's going to give me some small challenges to overcome and learn from. I wouldn't be so concerned if the little one wasn't moving so much inside. I would like to give it a chance. So using super glue is probably a bad idea?
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This guy pipped last night and is active right now but not making much progress. I know its much too soon for any concern or help.

But wondering, is that membrane looking too dry? Should I be concerned about that.

I have one like that too, I read on here that if the membrane is white you have no problem...it looks white to me! Mine that looks like yours is cheeping away and I can see his beak. Taking that as a good sign!
Do I warm the wax a little bit and brush it on? Or do I carefully rub the wax on while it's cold? I'm sorry this is my first hatch ever and I'm not sure what to do. Of course it's going to give me some small challenges to overcome and learn from. I wouldn't be so concerned if the little one wasn't moving so much inside. I would like to give it a chance. So using super glue is probably a bad idea?
I believe they melt it to apply it.

This guy pipped last night and is active right now but not making much progress. I know its much too soon for any concern or help.

But wondering, is that membrane looking too dry? Should I be concerned about that.

Looks nice and white to me. That's what you want to see. White papery. If it turns brownish/leathery then it's drying out.

Okay, this makes me nervous. No beak that I can see? Can it get stuck and not be able to breathe? Or is it taking a nap?? No sounds...:(
It looks like it's starting a zip. Do you have a way to play a chick chirping video from youtube? That might get it moving, reacting to the peeping sounds.

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