Hanging waterer... am I doing something wrong?


12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
I purchased one of these:


Does anybody else use one? Seems simple enough... slip the top off, fill it with water, slip the top back on and lock it into place. I have it hanging next to my hanging feeder inside the henhouse. The problem is, often (and for no reason I can determine) the water in the drinking resevoir raises up right to the rim and starts dripping over the sides and all over the floor. At first I thought maybe the chicks were hitting it somehow and making it spill, but once it happened when I was working in the henhouse(the chicks were in the run) ... it had been fine for about 10 minutes, I heard the dripping sound and turned around to see it over flowing. So, is there some trick to this thing, or do I have a lemon?
I have the same one, and it works fine...did you check the little brass whatsit that is supposed to make the water flow right? I seem to remember DH fiddling with it. I guess if that fails, i would take it back.
I have that waterer. My DH welded a washer on it in the middle so it wouldnt tip sideways. I saw subject in a past issue of Backyard Poultry Magazine. I will see if I can find it. They fixed theirs with out the welder if you don't have access to one..
The problem with mine was the hook on the top is to large and if it gets off center it will run over. If you don't have a drill or welder, My DH suggested 2 small hose clamps in the center with only just enough gap for your hook. Small fuel line clamps from auto parts store. In the mag. they drilled a very small hole in the center of exsiting hook and use a small nail they inserted from the bottom up and bent over to make a hook. Then attatch your Hook or what ever you hang it from to that. Hopefully helped.
Thanks so much everyone! I'll start by checking out the brass whichamahoosit
and if that doesn't do the trick, I'll try the welding (or rather, DH will!)

Much appreciated!
Well.... Generally folks don't 'hang' waterers. If you do, all the weight of the waterer will be on that little peg that sticks out to feed the trough.

Hang the feeders, but put the waterers on a block of cement.


Those of you with waterers like this on cement blocks..... how much spillage of water is there around it? I'm wondering if, in our really small planned henhouse, it is going to make a mess. Wonder if we need to concoct something like I have seen in books, on a screened area with sand or something below to absorb the water instead of the bedding material. What do you think?
Staceyneil (seachick)

We don't have the metal waterers because you can't put vinegar in them. Instead we use the Little Giant one gallon plastic waterers. We put them on old plastic milk crates with sand under them and don't have spillage problems.
I hang mine in the summer. My dh put 2 hose clamps to keep it steady. I didn't know it wasn't supposed to hang, either. But it works good now. In the winter it is up on blocks because of the heater. I have 1 in the run that is up on blocks. Merry

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