Happy duck?


9 Years
Mar 30, 2015
So I have been worried for my boy, he's an only duckie child, and though i've begged to get him a friend i've been told no.. so i spoil him to no end.

I was mainly wondering what happy cues your ducks give?

Al is a very very cuddly boy. He is on my shoulder nuzzling my neck as i type. He has very distinct happy pips right now, and he talks when super excited to see me or hear his treat bag being picked up.

I didn't know if ducks liked bird toys or not, i was thinking about getting or reusing some baby abd birb toys for him to keep him entertained should he wake in the night.

where it stands we have him in this huge tote, he has his bath, his feed, his fresh water for drinking, not that it matters lol and a mirror for him to enjoy but sense moving him to his bigger cage, i've felt bad for being busy lately so i have plans in the works to make a duckie diaper for him so he can be anywhere in the house and be fine fallowing me or my kiddos. he rather enjoys their company too. but i feel like i should get him some more goodies to have fun with. I know solo ducks don't do so well so when i got him i knew i would be in the headspace for newborn care lol

right now we have chicks as well, and as a force of habbit, i wake up around midnight, then at 4 am so i take the time to go and make sure i tell him and our girls hi, make sure they had fresh clean water and food and i give cuddles. He never cries in the night so i think that must help. I wish i wasn't in town i would have six of these sweetie pies, i love this little dude so much.

anywho, i was just wondering if any of your cuties made happy noises or cuddled you as well? i would love to see pictures!
So I have been worried for my boy, he's an only duckie child, and though i've begged to get him a friend i've been told no.. so i spoil him to no end.

I was mainly wondering what happy cues your ducks give?

Al is a very very cuddly boy. He is on my shoulder nuzzling my neck as i type. He has very distinct happy pips right now, and he talks when super excited to see me or hear his treat bag being picked up.

I didn't know if ducks liked bird toys or not, i was thinking about getting or reusing some baby abd birb toys for him to keep him entertained should he wake in the night.

where it stands we have him in this huge tote, he has his bath, his feed, his fresh water for drinking, not that it matters lol and a mirror for him to enjoy but sense moving him to his bigger cage, i've felt bad for being busy lately so i have plans in the works to make a duckie diaper for him so he can be anywhere in the house and be fine fallowing me or my kiddos. he rather enjoys their company too. but i feel like i should get him some more goodies to have fun with. I know solo ducks don't do so well so when i got him i knew i would be in the headspace for newborn care lol

right now we have chicks as well, and as a force of habbit, i wake up around midnight, then at 4 am so i take the time to go and make sure i tell him and our girls hi, make sure they had fresh clean water and food and i give cuddles. He never cries in the night so i think that must help. I wish i wasn't in town i would have six of these sweetie pies, i love this little dude so much.

anywho, i was just wondering if any of your cuties made happy noises or cuddled you as well? i would love to see pictures!View attachment 3455653View attachment 3455656
They absolutely do enjoy toys

I used baby toys, puppy toys and bird toys. Just ensure there's no stringy bits that he could ingest.
They especially love bells! Or at least, mine did
Very adorable baby
It does make me sad to think he is a lone duck though
Ducks are flock animals and need other ducks for companions
They play follow the leader
If one starts to preen they all do
If one eats the all run and eat
One swims they all go swim
I myself will not sell a lone duckling
They can get depressed and not thrive like ones that have mates
You can’t be with this duck 24/7 Like a flock mate would be.
Mine have a big coop and they are always sleeping near each other leaving a ton of open space
They also need to not be locked in small cages for life and need outside to enjoy duck life
Digging for bugs
Laying in the sun ect
I would strongly advise talking to who ever is saying no and just explaining that it’s best to have at least 2 ducks and why
I started with just 2 and they were almost attached at the hip
Was amazing to watch how duck interact
I now have 14 and love watching them all
I too think you need to think long term about what is best for your sweet pet. They are flock animals and will never be completely happy without other ducks. You will never have the time or energy to fulfill all his needs. Also, a house duck just doesn't work out best for the duck - what they love to do is be outside, swimming and foraging in the grass - it's the way they're designed. If you can't meet what he needs, maybe consider rehoming him to somewhere you feel he will be happy.

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