Happy Eggs Hatching - Fact or Fiction?


7 Years
I know others have posted elsewhere about Happy Eggs Farms eggs hatching. I splurged and bought some today for 7.00. We shall see if my luck prevails. I have sincere doubts as these were very much refrigerated but my daughter also pointed out that chick momma birds may live in inhospitable environments where temperatures get quite cold. I hope we see something of these as it would be really cool! The store had the Heritage eggs (Speckled Legbar and Copper Marans)

These eggs are sitting on the counter next to the incubator awaiting their turn pointy end down as my shipped eggs are still in there waiting to hatch. Nothing eggciting yet on those but all are still looking good with movement. Cross your fingers.
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I haven't tried it, but I was told by a guy that witha degree in poultry sience that if barley refgerated hatching eggs will last longer with better hatch rates. But they've also been in there who knows how long and shook by a truck. I would geuss the hatch rate about the same as any shiped egg. Good luck! I hope they hatch.
I haven't tried it, but I was told by a guy that witha degree in poultry sience that if barley refgerated hatching eggs will last longer with better hatch rates. But they've also been in there who knows how long and shook by a truck. I would geuss the hatch rate about the same as any shiped egg. Good luck! I hope they hatch.
Yeah, I am really curious myself. I'm not counting any chicks before there hatched ever, but definitely not in this case. I read on their website that their eggs are also pasteurized so I'm really doubtful anything will come of these....but "THE INTERNET" :) says so. :) What's the harm in trying?

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