Happy hen can not walk


7 Years
Mar 19, 2013
Upstate NY
One of our older hens, a 4 year old golden comet named Daphne, is unable to walk. She's very happy, very talkative, and is eating and drinking just fine. Her comb is bright red, her eyes are clear and bright, she's nice and plump all over. No sign of injury, and she only shows pain when trying to stand. She's one of the two hens left of our original flock. Right now she's staying with our lone chick, who's grown very attached to her.

Any idea what might be wrong with her? She came from a hatchery and has had all important vaccinations, plus has been medicated for parasites.
Do her legs work at all? Could she have broken or badly sprained a leg? Is there any swelling of feet, joints or legs? Check her foot pads for swelling and a dark spot. Is her breast bone prominent, or is there any swelling in her lower abdomen to indicate fluids? Does she still lay eggs?
She's managed to sort of stand a few times, so her legs do sort of function, just not well. I will check for swelling in a little bit and report back on that! Her breast bone is no more prominent than usual. Nothing in her abdomen feels swollen or fluid filled.

She's not laying eggs but she hasn't in a bit. Our comets are aging very quickly, we had 6 and are down to just Daphne and one other now (who doesn't lay eggs, either), all others consumed by age.

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