Hard Molting

Shortly after posting several of the other sisters in that flock began to follow suit. There are feathers ALL OVER the yard lol. Looks like was a pillow fight. Everyone is grumpy now. Ha! I scrambled up a pile of scrambled eggs with shells crushed in for the crowd. Extra protein for my girls 😉. Curious if others do it this way?
I was reading wet cat food is good to offer during molting. Anyone ever tried that?
Dollar for dollar, you'll get way more bang for your your buck using sardines. There is a lot more protein per gram in the sardines than wet cat food.
I get a tin of sardines at Aldi for $0.69.
Mine are at the middle end of there molt. My golden laced Wyandotte has it the worst. She very patchy and her back is bare. She's been keeping away from the flock and she's the alpha hen.
Current condition:

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