Has anyone tried the Little Giant Incubators?


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Mar 18, 2017
I own the Little Giant 9300 Circulated Air incubator. I have not hatched many eggs in it yet, but I just wanted to say I am very impressed with the temperature consistency. It's always within ~0.3 of a degree, and my second thermometer confirms that. Has anyone else tried this incubator?
I'm currently using the 9200 Little Giant Still Air incubator with an automatic turner in it. Yesterday was day 7 for my hatch, so I candled my 32 egg's that I had put in there. All 32 have development in them. No bloodring's. I'm happy that I didn't have to toss any out.
I'm currently using the 9200 Little Giant Still Air incubator with an automatic turner in it. Yesterday was day 7 for my hatch, so I candled my 32 egg's that I had put in there. All 32 have development in them. No bloodring's. I'm happy that I didn't have to toss any out.
That's great! I'm quite impressed for the price.
Little Giant are known to cause many a tears from little munchkins all over the world, excited to see the miracle of birth but instead introduced to the grim reality of death.

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