has anyone used these nesting boxes

I've seen it suggested to add a piece of 1x4 or 2x4 wood across the perches....conduit clamps might work well to attach.
I build my own. Very easy and cost a about $7 for a double nesting box.

I made video of how to do it.

thank you for the video - I think this will be the way we go for now, I'm hearing too many of the plastic perches breaking and these are big chickens, I don't want to break a let or have to worry
I wanted chime in as I installed these nest boxes in my coop this past weekend. In my coop, I have 2 standard wooden nest boxes for 8 chickens. Two of these chickens are at the bottom of the pecking order and have a hard time getting a turn in the nest box. I added 2 of these plastic boxes in the run under our coop with door to access the eggs from the outside. I installed them Sunday and looks like everyone loves them. They were easy to install and I stacked up 2 bricks as steps so they could reach the perch. I needed something easy and fast and these boxes fit the bill. I am happy to post pics later today.
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Hi. I'm new to chickens. We have 18 layers and have 7 of the plastic nests. The girls have no problem with laying in them. Yesterday when I went out the second time to collect eggs I found one eaten and one cracked, in the same nest. Does anyone on here have any idea how to make these nests roll out nests? I've tried Google and Pintrest. So far no luck. Any suggestions will be most welcome!
Hi. I'm new to chickens. We have 18 layers and have 7 of the plastic nests. The girls have no problem with laying in them. Yesterday when I went out the second time to collect eggs I found one eaten and one cracked, in the same nest. Does anyone on here have any idea how to make these nests roll out nests? I've tried Google and Pintrest. So far no luck. Any suggestions will be most welcome!
Welcome to BYC!

If you're handy, you could add a slanted floor that rolls out a gap in the back.

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