Hatch-a-long! ~ Anyone setting 8JAN-15JAN??


Guess who I found upon arrival home from church services this morning?!

One little Black Java peep totally out! Named it Jeremiah based on today's readings. And with my luck, it's going to be a boy anyways...God keeps giving me boys, no matter the critter...

Four of five remaining Black Java eggs have pipped and are starting to zip!

Brinsea Mini Advance is amazing - as are my hens. Time to make the girls some oatmeal with raisins as a thank you treat!

First egg hatched fully on day 19, 21hrs. I set at noon on Monday Jan. 21st - so these are at least a full day early if they totally hatch.


So exciting! Thanks for sharing. Pictures will be uploaded as soon as I get the brooder set up (that was this afternoon's 'honey do' item. Guess it's been moved up a bit?!)

She's out, she's out!

Black Java chicklet #2 is out of her shell! Cheeping like mad. Jeremiah is in the brooder a room away and cheeping back to Chicklet.

So as soon as Chicklet is fluffy and dry, she'll join Jeremiah in the brooder.

Then there are 3 pip's and one not yet done squat. Took Chicklet about 5hrs to totally hatch (from pip to push that darn shell off of me!)

Cutest thing, Chicklet is cheeping at the egg next to her - and egg #3 is answering! Funny, funny, funny!

YEAH GOD! What a miracle!

Four happy Black Java chicks cheeping away. A fifth egg is pipping. Two first hatched are in the brooder snoozing like good little fluffy chicks should.

Youngest son (11) is absolutely fascinated by the whole workings. Frankly, it is simply so amazing! DH and said son (who gave me incubator for Christmas) says the chicks are now at $30 each! LOL! He's teasing, and equally excited about the whole thing. Let's see who's excited to hear cheeping at daylight though...not the family dog, who's most concerned about all the fuss and noise. Good thing the brooder is 4' off the floor - well away from prying noses, barking ends and/or the ancient cat who is more concerned about where to take a nap!

One more certain egg to go...guess I'll be staying up a bit longer than I planned! Can't wait to meet them all!

Who's ready to set again?! This first timer has caught 'incubator-itis' or the desire to hatch eggs!
Well, I couldn't stay up that late and wait any longer. #5 was simply NOT coming out. So, after turning on all the lights this morning to go out and plow (got 3" of snow last night), who do I find when I come back in?

Chick #5! Wohoo!

After she warms up, fluffs out and gets stronger, off to the brooder she goes.

Egg #6 is one who stopped developing. I'll have to confirm that once she gets out of incubator. But it had stopped when I candled at 18days. I'll recandle before acting, and do the water bath test too.

Pictures, I need to post pictures! Agh, so much to do this morning!
Picture time!

Black Java chicks - so cute! This is what we saw upon arriving home from church yesterday -

Then there's this picture in the improvised brooder on the dining room table! Darn it all, it SNOWED outside! Was supposed to be in the mid 40's...thankfully, no one minds the chicks have taken over the table! They're content and warm. Once they have true feathers on them, they'll go out to the brooder in the barn. But it's just a bit too cold for me to be running outside 8x/day to check on 'em! Much easier to check the chicks on the table than in the barn! (Shhhhh....don't tell, but my dh is more interested in this than I am! He's asked when we're going to start up the next batch - HE thinks this is so cool! Fun!)

And then the 'group shot' although I cut someone's head off....

How many fluffy butts do you see? Should be 5 of 'em in there.

One egg is still in bator - still developing. So, we'll see what tomorrow brings. That would be day 22. If nothing happening, I'll do the water bath test. Not sure what to think about that chick.

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