Hatch-a-long Countdown!!!


7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
I set 17 ducks this past Friday and was wondering if anyone else would like to join in my countdown! This will be my first duck egg hatch and second hatch overall. Everyday I will try to post how many days are left 'til my eggs are supposed to hatch. Since I'm mostly hatching call ducks, they only take 26 days and their "due date" will be May 8. Happy hatching!
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I put 7 hopefully fertile eggs under my broody light sussex bantam yesterday!!
If they hatch they will be a silkie/light sussex cross, I'm so excited! But sadly I'm going on holiday on the 4th of may, which is the due date for them to hatch
So my mother is going to have to look after them until I get back...:(
Hahaha yeah it was!! Good luck with your hatch too! I went out to see my broody hen today and as she is a first timer, I don't think she is doing it right
One of the eggs wasn't under her and was cold, hopefully she will learn and hatch some little chicks!
I bet she'll get the hang of it! The hens usually rotate the eggs in and out of the middle so all eggs will get the warmth of her feathers :)

There are 23 days left!
There are 22 days left!!!
I candled my eggs today (day 4) and 10 out of the 17 I could see development in. Since its only day 4, I think the other 7 eggs still have a good chance :)
Sorry I didn't get to update yesterday. I wasn't feeling the best. So today is day 6,so there are 20 days left! I candled again and 12-14 out of the 17 seem to be developing. I'm not sure about 2 (they might be developing a blood ring). One has died in the shell, and I'm not sure why. Today my humidity went up to 52% (yikes) and my temp went up to 102* (another yikes). Will this hurt the growing ducklings? Thanks!

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