Hatch-a-long due Jan 31st 2022!!!

4 more pips! The one that pipped eariler seems to be trying to zip out the side. Has a great air hole, but wondering how well it will manage to get out. I don't want to open it up yet. As cute as the fluff butt is!! I know I'll wait as long as I can before I will. Any suggestions, when or if I should assist? I'll try and get a good picture, but it's in the back so hard to get nicely in my incubator.
The excitement :loveI’m normally beside myself at this point!! Keep us posted 😊

This one is a BCM on an olive egger. Has the feathered feet too so thinking it will definitely look bcm. Now if only I had divided the hatch... I also have pure BCMS in this hatch... oops... guess I'll have to watch that..

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