Hatch-a-long, set March 1, hatch March 21/22

I got an egg peeping at me! It was hard to be at work all day and wonder. And I think I’ve got two pips! Phew…I was waiting for signs of life. Just my luck they will hatch while I’m sleeping.
Hopefully you get to see some. My first one pipped about 3am and had hatched by 8:30am. But they've been going since then.
Woke up to pee to a chicky musical lol. Lots of chicks. I quickly grabbed 4 fluffed chicks to the brooder, bringing that to 12. I think there is about 6 drying in the incubator which would leave 8 to go. I'm happy with how they are steadily hatching.
That is so exciting for you!

I also got up to pee at 2:30am and found a chick out of the egg!

Got to watch one hatch this am at 6 too!

Of the nine in the incubator, two hatched, three zipped (but I helped make air holes for two of them) and two pipped so we are rocking and rolling.

Now I have to be at work for 11 hrs so who knows what will happen. Nature.
I’ve got five chicks! And one that sort of spilled its yolk out I think? Still not hatched but he was face down on his pip spot and yellow is everywhere. I helped open some things up because I was worried he was drowning.

I have four more to go and have pips on three of them. Will be an exciting night!
Just saw about the yolk one in the other thread. Fingers crossed for you! Happy to hear about the other chicks hatched well.

Still no pips or movement on the 4. Decided to candle. One had movement, the other three look wrong, like they quit the last couple days.

I took a screw and carefully drilled a tiny peep hole in the top to look down the air cell.

The membrane had a pip through it but I couldn't see where the beak was underneath. Since it seems most likely not to make it I helped it. Don't have good odds but we'll see. I broke off some at the air cell, wetted the membrane, pulled open the membrane a little bit to where the beak is at.

It has serious crooked beak. Probably why it wasn't hatching. I misted a bit of water to up the humidity from opening. I'll keep an eye on it though.

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