Hatch-Along - Just set 2 dozen this evening...anyone else starting to incubate today? or recently?


7 Years
Nov 16, 2012
Well as the title say I just set 24 eggs into my Brinsea Eco 20. I have mixed breed eggs from Heritage Breed Chickens including (Hens) Speckled Sussex , Golden laced Wyanndotte, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Partridge Rock, Barnevelder, Orpington Ect.....
All bred by one of two pure breed french Marans Roosters , one Black copper in color the other Blue copper in color. These pairings produce many colors of chicks, often getting some laced, splash, blues, spangled, ect.. about 25% are feather footed, big dark brown eggs.

This is my second attempt at hatching I guess...The first try I was using eggs from my own chickens, but apparently I have too many roosters for my eggs to be fertile. I only see my main rooster breeding, I see the other 2 trying, but he always chases them off "his" hens. The big roo is really old, so that might have something to do with it as well. I can't possibly cull him though. He is like my pet guard rooster. A silkie rooster we have likes to attack me, and the big roo makes him quit. The big roo also follows me around the yard like a large strange looking puppy. But I don't really like feeding a chicken that isn't doing something for me in return...I guess he is, just not in the way of giving me eggs with chicks inside.

Anyway this batch of eggs is so cool...some are pink, some are green, some are super dark brown, some are just normal brown, some are tan, some are blue...
And I love mixed chickens...So anyone that is good at hatching eggs please give me some tips so this goes well. I'm so eggcited I could pee.
I candled today after only 27 hours after setting and most of them I can see the yolk with a dot in it. I assume the dot will become a chicken...the last egg that were infertile had no dot all I could see is the yolk shadow

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