Hatch Along March 1st


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 6, 2013
I know I'm posting this a day behind but I set my eggs late last night so jump on if you're setting this weekend.
Hi! I'm a newb. I set a bunch of quail eggs in the incubator today! :D About 50 of these eggs are 'experimental'. They had very light cracks in them when I got them. I read a lot of threads about fixing cracked eggs with candle wax so I'm gonna see what happens. Can't hurt :/ I'll candle them in a week to see if they are viable. Excited to see if any of them hatch out!
I totally forgot to say what I was hatching haha.

Locally Acquired:
5 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
4 Mille Fleur Leghorns
6 Wheaton/ Blue Wheaton Ameraucanas
6 BBS French Copper Marans

18 BBS French Copper Marans

Good Luck to everyone and I can't wait to see all the chickies!
I set 24 Dominique eggs yesterday (March 2nd)! I'll play! Well, okay, 22 of them are Dominiques, but two of them are from my salmon faverolle who is in the pen with the Doms. So if they hatch, they'll only be half Dom. But I'm sure I'll be able to tell them apart, what with the five toes. :) And I don't actually think they're fertile, because that hen hates boys, LOL. I just needed to fill out the incubator all the way, so in they went. :) Anyway! This will be my third hatch so far this year, whee!
Glad we have some people joining this hatch-a-long. Should be a good one. This is my second hatch of the year.
I have decided to hand turn my eggs. They keep falling out of the quail racks as they turn. So, can I just turn them 3-5 times a day every few hours?
That should be just fine. Considering the egg turner I have completes one turn every 4 hours that's 6 turns a day, you should be good to go with that.
I'm adding 8 more eggs to my 28 tonight to make an even 3 dozen mixed breed eggs. This is a trail run for my new Genesis incubator before hatching any important eggs. I was tired of fighting my LG & am loving this 1 so far. I hope I am still loving it in 20 days.

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