Hatch-Along - putting some eggs in the bator for a march hatch


8 Years
May 12, 2011
anyone else wanna join me ? im putting some eggs in the bator from my mixed flock today /last night any one wanna join? for march hatch ? my eggs are from .. (the hens) ee , rir , drk cornish , dominicker (i always spell that wrong) they should be bred to the red mutt bantam as hes the boss .. and ive seen him on the hens .. but i have dom roos in there as well ( and another bantam roo ) im going to add some button quail eggs in a few days .. (so they hatch on the same time =) )

any breed /species welcome =) who else is hatching for march ??
Hi, I will join in. I'm supposed to get some Black Copper Marans next week. They are coming from Kansas. I'm doing a swap with a breeder there. I'm sending them a dozen of my BCM eggs also. We are just trying to add new blood to our lines. I will be adding some of my own Welsummer eggs to the bator as well. This will be my second hatch for 2013. I hatched off some on the 7th of last month. Ended up with 9, but considering I set 32 eggs hatch results were not that great. 24 of the 32 I got off ebay only 2 of those hatched. The rest that hatched were all my own eggs. Hoping for better results on the shipped ones this go around.

I will join you soon. I have goose eggs in the incubator right now, but those will be out soon. I am planning on putting Old English Bantam eggs, barnyard eggs from a mixed flock, and Cortinux (?I think that's how you spell it...) quail eggs. Hopefully I will get a good hatch. Good luck to you!
good luck to you guys =) i wanted to get a couple hatched out before grandpa takes it again =) he had way better luck with it than i did last year !! lol i think he likes hatching the babies as much as i do !! lol these will be my first time hatching myself .. i tried last year but had two days of power outage =( and lost them .. =(

my first time trying quail ever =) i just got them about two weeks ago !! and im already addicted !!!
+if my ducks ever start to lay im going to set them too this year !! they will be pure rouens =) but my girl hasnt started to lay yet .. (and i dont know if the male is breeding her anyways .. they kinda think they are chickens!!!
Hi! I just set my very first batch today, 2/10 also from my mixed flock! I only set 4 since my incubator is brand new (and so am I) and we wanted to make a test run before setting a whole incubator full. My rooster is a buff orpington and I know one hen was an amber hybrid, and the other 3 eggs could be from amber hybrids, a buff orpington, red sex link, or barred rock. Should be interesting to say the least!
Guess I'm going to have to bail out. I installed a new fan in my LG incubator and the temps went crazy. Tried to regulate them before my eggs came in. I turned the thermostat all the way down and the lowest the incubator would go down to was 103 degrees. So I turned off the fan and the temp dropped to normal. I guess the PC fan I got puts out too much heat. Back to the drawing board I guess. Contacted the person I was swapping eggs with and we agreed to try again after I get incubator fixed. Good luck all. Hope you have great hatches!
I started my eggs on 2/18/13. There are 28 eggs that are a mix of Old English Bantams and a Silkie Bantam roo over Americauna mix hens and a frizzle hen. I will be adding the quail eggs in 3 days. They will hopefully hatch the first week of march! I just love baby chicks :D
Hi I just set 24 mystery eggs(2/19). I wanted to test my incubator so I just bought some farm fresh local eggs at the health food store.I'll be surprised if any hatch but it'll be a neat experiment.Stranger things have happened.I do have some NN mix on order as soon as my friends hens start laying again,soon I hope.
I posted in the February one but on further thought I should be here since they will hatch in March.

"Put eggs in my homemade incubator.
I have silkie cochin mix,ee silkie mix and bantam game/bantam orphington mix eggs."

The kitty is sulking since she is now banned from that room since it's also going to be a room for a plastic tub brooder as well.Snow storm going to hit us tommorow so won't be able to use outside brooder I set up for my Cochin Bantam Special,who should be here today.

Guess by the time the eggs hatch the cochin bantams will be out in the bigger brooder and the newly hatched will go in plastic tub.Guess I will be juggling chicks till its warm enough to go out in the chicken tractors.
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