Hatch-Along - Setting eggs on 2/8/13 Anyone want to join me?


Crooked Creek Poultry
8 Years
Sep 20, 2011
I'm getting my bator heated up and hopefully stable by the 8th. I'm going to set some of my own eggs. They are a barnyard mix right now as I have 2 Turken Roos and 2 easter egger Roos in my coop. I want to do a test run before I start incubating my pure breeds in March. Good thing is I'll know who daddy is because Turken's will always have the naked neck no matter what.

I'm going to set some more of my EE eggs in hopes of getting some pure EE. As this is just my trial hatch of the season it's no big deal if I get all crosses.

So who is going to set eggs the 8th or there about? Want to join me?
I'm a week ahead of you (set mine on Sunday).
I have some barnyard mixes and some light Sussex and some Silkie eggs in there.
I have not had much luck with hatching my EE's since all the chicks always turned out to be roosters.
Funny you should say that about the EE, all I've gotten from my broody this past spring was roos. I hope we have better luck with these eggs.
I loaded 31 BLRW and 2 bantam partridge rocks on the 6th. I really hadn't planned to hatch again and haven't turned the eggs like I did for my first attempt but couldn't resist the little rock eggs.
I tried BLRW eggs last year, they were shipped eggs. Unfortunately the USPS scrambled them. Too bad they were eggs from really good lines. Let us know how it's going.
I'll candle in a few days and see what's happening. I ordered eggs last year and received 14. 5 hatched, 1 late quitter, 4 early guitters and 4 infertile in the bunch I put under my broody.

The eggs in the bator now are my girls eggs. I have 3 20 day old chicks in the broody now, had 6 go into lockdown but think it was a humidity problem with the others.
Hi, just set 12 eggs (was 10 but 2 of my ladies just supplied me with a couple more eggs) in my new homemade incubator, have a mix of my home grown eggs, i have a rhonndda red, a rhonnda blue, a black rock, white sussex and a warren running with 1 blue and 1 black large breed silkie cockrell and 1 RIR cockrell. So should be an interesting mix lol. Anyone else hatching in the uk.
I'll candle in a few days and see what's happening. I ordered eggs last year and received 14. 5 hatched, 1 late quitter, 4 early guitters and 4 infertile in the bunch I put under my broody.

The eggs in the bator now are my girls eggs. I have 3 20 day old chicks in the broody now, had 6 go into lockdown but think it was a humidity problem with the others.
I think some of the problem with my chicken eggs last year was humidity too. I put some of my own eggs in the bator and I didn't get one hatched. I had some early quitters and then the rest were late. I've been reading up this year to make sure I get the humidity correct. I am also going to put some clean/sanitized rocks in the bottom of the bator. I've read it helps to keep heat in. I have a styro hovabator and another styro bator I use as a hatcher.
Hi, just set 12 eggs (was 10 but 2 of my ladies just supplied me with a couple more eggs) in my new homemade incubator, have a mix of my home grown eggs, i have a rhonndda red, a rhonnda blue, a black rock, white sussex and a warren running with 1 blue and 1 black large breed silkie cockrell and 1 RIR cockrell. So should be an interesting mix lol. Anyone else hatching in the uk.
So nice of your ladies to help you out that way
. How did you build your bator? My eggs are homegrown too, but I do have EE hens and EE roo in my coop. I have a Naked neck roo too so I'll know if my chicks are pure EE if they don't have the naked neck. I can't wait to see what you get from that mix. You absolutely have to post pics for us to all see.
To be honest i kinda threw my bator together with things i found around the house (money being a bit tight). I lined an plastic storage box with polystyrene and a reflective emergency blanket. Attatched an old light fitting to the lid and put in a firelight bulb i pinched out of my mothers electric fire (hope she doesnt notice lol) attatched a thermostat that had been given to me and off to go. Was given a plan by a friend that was similar, but she used a cardboard box, and no reflective blanket (i added this in hope that it would help reflect the heat). she has done 6 hatches in her's, hatch rate for the most recent was 23 hatch from 30 eggs.
Sorry to sound dumb, but can i ask what is an EE not quite up with all the abreviations yet lol. Will post pics when they hatch and keep all posted, if thats ok think the family are a bit fed up of all the chicken talk lol. Good luck with your hatch r4eboxer, keep us posted is nice to hear how other peoples hatches are going.

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