Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

Yay - my broody hen Mary hatched out two eggs this morning. Bantam Ameraucanas. There are white chantecler and two bantam faverolles left under her to hatch. Can't wait to see the rest
Sorry I have been so long for pics. but here they are now.

She(hopefully) loves the camera

Here is the three that hatched out of five. They are so cute.
So far I have had 2 hatch. The first one pipped yesterday around 1 am but didn't zip until yesterday evening. It needed the extra time as it still had a strand of yolk sack about the size of a toothpick attached. Then sometime between 11 PM and 6 am last night a friend pipped and zipped and was already out and fluffing. Opposite ends of the hatching spectrum. So that 2 out and 6 to go.

I am hoping that since the first one seemed slightly undercooked on hatch day that that means the whole hatch is just a day behind. I did have trouble getting my temps up after lockdown so that may have delayed the hatch a teensy bit. Or at least that's what I am telling myself.

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